
4 Smart Ways to Brainstorm for New Blog Topics

  4 Smart Ways to Brainstorm for New Blog Topics Are you looking for new ways to brainstorm blog topics? If so, you’re not alone. Business owners, marketers, and bloggers understand that content marketing is the best way to build rapport with their audience and secure more sales. As you add more content to your blog, you’ll eventually hit a point where you have to ask yourself, “what on earth am I going to write about next?” This is a common phenomenon, especially with full-time content writers who publish 5+ posts every week. If you’re feeling unsure and don’t know what to cover next, we are here to help. There are plenty of clever ways you can come up with new blog post ideas. Today, we want to show you some of our favorite tips and tricks for getting our creative juices flowing when it’s time to start writing. Ready? Let’s get started! Use Google’s Autocomplete Feature Google is one of the best ways to develop new blog ideas. Believe it or not, 86% of all website traffic goes th...

How I Started, Monetize My Blog Site And Became An Affiliate. How to monetize my blogger?, how to connect AdSense to my blog.

  How I Started, Monetize My Blog Site And Became An Affiliate. How I successful started, monetize my blog site and became an affiliate was something almost near impossible at the time because I was just a novice, but some things happened which I know contributed to making it a reality, and those are the things am going to be sharing in this article to encourage someone out there. (1) I knew I could do it even before I started. (2) I was Optimistic that it will become a reality. (3) When I met with challenges I never gave up (4) I was always praying to God For divine guidance. (5) Finally it became a reality, I have a monetize blog site today and I have joined some affiliate networks. In case you are in any way one of those struggling and contemplating to begin a blog site or even a business site, and this article is for you, as I want to share with you how I successfully started my blog site and monetize it today. Did you know of a truth I was a novice just like you, or you may ev...

How to make money online?/20 Online Business Ideas to Help You Make Money in 2021

  20 Online Business Ideas to Help You Make Money in 2021 These online business ideas will help you recover from the Coronavirus pandemic that hit the world and one lesson we learned during the COVID-19 Pandemic is that work can be done remotely and online businesses grew stronger than ever. Still, wondering what kind of online business to start? You will find many great online business ideas here. 1. Start a blog Starting a blog is the first and best to make a supplemental income online. You can earn a couple of hundred dollars from a blog by merely spending an hour each day creating and posting content. Regardless of your working hours, you’ll make a pile by blogging. You can even open the door to tons of other opportunities, like working for ad agencies or publishers, once you blog frequently. 2. Start a YouTube Channel The first step to creating money on YouTube is to hitch the YouTube Partner program. The partnership gives content creators access to special tools, a bit like t...

Offshore job, Offshore Vacancy for seaman 2021

   The executive positions that are available on the offshore oil/gas and other platforms are: Drilling/ Corrosion/ Wellhead engineers; Captain OIM Barge Master Tool Pusher Inspectors; Operators; ADPO Piping Designers; Welders; Officers Engineers QC/NDT Catering ETO Foreman Geophysicist Mechanic Medic Cadets Motorman Laundryman Oiler Chief Steward Bosun AB OS Wiper Check out below link and get your suitable job Full Crew - MUV/AHT/Crew Boat/TUG/SV 17.10.2021 Cook on AHTS DP2 16.10.2021  2nd Officer/DPO for DSV-DP2 16.10.2021 Sokan Arvand Co Thanks for visiting our website 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 Knowledge Guruji

Preparation for Ship General survey (Annual and Intermediate Surveys)

1. General (Annual and Intermediate Surveys) Confirm no modifications have been made to the ship or equipment which would affect the 1.1 class (any modifications are to be reported). 1.2 Confirm that all periodical surveys required for boilers and other pressure vessels are up to date. 1.3 Confirm the CSM and CSH cycles are up to date in accordance with the current survey status.  1.4 Confirm that the Periodical Survey of the automation and/or remote controls for the main propulsion plant are not overdue 1.5 Confirm that the Periodical Survey of the inert gas system is not overdue. 1.6 Confirm the Classification Certificate now endorsed for Annual Survey . 1.7 Confirm the Classification Certificate now endorsed for Intermediate Survey 2. Documentation (Annual and Intermediate Surveys) 2.1 List the following certificate with their annual or intermediate survey date as well as expiry date : (a) Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate (b) Cargo Ship Safe...

MLC (Maritime Labour Convention)

MLC (Maritime Labour Convention)  Introduction to International Labour Standards         Since 1919, the International Labour Organization has maintained and developed a system of International Labour Standards aimed at promoting opportunities for women and men to obtain decent and productive work, in conditions of freedom, equity, security and dignity. In today's globalized economy, international labour standards are an essential component in the international framework for ensuring that the growth of the global economy provides benefits to all.   Note 1 - UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon Message for the World Day of Social Justice, 20 February 2014 Global support for the International Labour Organization’s  Maritime Labour convention continues to increase. Currently, the ILO has registered  ratification's of the convention by 82 ILO member States responsible for regulating conditions for seafarers on more than 90...


                        ssp (ship security plan)                                            1 INTRODUCTION AND PURPOSE 1.1        INTRODUCTION               It is recognized that maritime security is an integral part of the overall safety of the ship, the                      People on-board and the environment.               It is in the interest of everyone on board to ensure that all practical steps are taken ...