How to join Merchant Navy after 10th,12th and graduation?

Eligibility for Merchant Navy
  • The eligibility for joining merchant navy is finishing class 12 with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics.
  • Normal vision is required but glasses up to plus or minus 2.5 may be allowed.
  • Admission is through an entrance followed by a screening test and a main written examination.
  • After clearing the test, there is an interview and a medical test.
  • You also need to complete a ship-training course prior to the employment. The course is generally short-term where the candidates are taught basic security concerns of voyaging.
  •  Candidates have to be unmarried Indian citizens (male or female).
There are some private institutes, which offer training for merchant navy as well. These institutes prepare students for jobs such as deck cadets and marine engineering jobs.
How to Join Merchant Navy After 12th
After class 12, you are eligible to study the following merchant navy courses:
  • B.Sc. Nautical Science
  • B.E. Marine Engineering
  • B.E. Naval Architecture and Offshore Engineering
  • B.E. Petroleum Engineering
  • B.E. Mechanical Engineering
  • B.E. Harbour & Ocean Engineering
  • B.E. Civil Engineering
  • B.E. Electrical & Electronics Engineering
  • B.Sc. Marine Catering
How to Join Merchant Navy After 10th
Merchant navy courses that you can pursue after 10th include:
  • Near Coastal Voyage (NCV)
  • Diploma in Nautical Science (DNS)
  • Commercial Diving
  • G.P. Rating
Job Prospects
There are enormous employment opportunities in this field. Candidates who have finished the basic course in merchant navy can get jobs very easily through various consultants and placement agencies. Merchant navy fleet consist of cargo ships, container ships, barge carrying ships, tankers, bulk carriers, refrigerators ships, passenger ships and Car carriers/RO RO ships. The possibility of finding employment in cargo ships is more as compared to the others.
Companies that run merchant ships require trained people who can operate and maintain the ships. Some of these companies are: Chevron and Mobil of USA, Wallem Ship Management of Hong Kong,  K Line, Bibby Ship Management, d'Amico etc. India too has its shipping companies, such as the Shipping Corporation of India, Great Eastern Shipping, Essar and Chowgule Shipping etc. Trained people are required for the three main departments of the ship: the deck, the engine and the service department.
In India, job opportunities are also available in government and private shipping companies like Shipping Corporation of India, clearing houses, del credere agents etc.
Merchant navy job profiles
  • Deck officer (navigation officer)
  • Electron-technical officer (ETO)
  • Engineer
  • Ratings - ratings are skilled seafarers who help all the officers with daily tasks
  • Catering & hospitality crew (pursers, stewards, chef, housekeeper etc.)
Pay Package

Salaries of Merchant Navy in India
In Merchant Navy, the salary can range from anywhere between
1. Captain/Master:
Salary of Captain/ Master: Rupees 500,000 – 1,220,000
2. Second Officer (Second Mate)
Salary of Second Officer ranges from Rupees 300,000 to 600,000 per month.
3. Third Officer (Third Mate)
Salary of Third Officer can vary from 150,000 to 300,000 per month
4. Deck Cadet
Deck Cadet Salary can be anything from Rs.60,000 to 150,000 per month.
5. Chief Engineer/First Engineer
Salary of First Engineer: Rupees 550,000 – 800,000 per month.
6. Second Engineer
Salary of Second Engineer: Rs.350,000 to 550,000 per month
7. Third Engineer
Third Engineer Salary: The Third Engineer takes a salary ranging from 250,000 to 400,000
8. Fourth Engineer
Salary of Fourth Engineer: 150,000 to 250, 000 per month
9.Fifth Engineer/Trainee Engineer
Fifth Engineer Salary: Rs.60,000 to Rs.150,000

       Besides this, imported liquor, cigarettes, canned foods, cosmetics are available on board duty free. They are also entitled to four month leave every year. The interesting fact is that there is no income tax return imposed on the earnings of a merchant navy professional.
Life in merchant navy can be adventurous for all those with wanderlust. The long periods of solitude notwithstanding, the opportunity to see the world and get paid while doing so, just cannot be argued with.
Merchant Navy Institutes
Indian institutes approved by the Directorate General of Shipping is an attached office of the Ministry of Shipping, Govt. of India and offering courses in merchant navy.
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I Hope this helps you all.
Good Luck.


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