Freelance Writers: Update Content and Increase Your Client List


Freelance Writers: Update Content and Increase Your Client List

Copywriters spend a lot of time writing words for other people. In fact, that's the heart and soul of the business model. Still, we don't update content on our own properties as frequently as we should, if we do at all.

For freelance writers and copywriters, our own content is an important part of attracting new clients. If you're working through platforms, such as Scripted, your own marketing and content can wind up taking a backseat. You're creating client content and you work in words. It's a natural part of the process that you prioritize the work that pays. Writing is a high-level skill that takes a lot of time and mental energy. It's difficult to balance your own writing when you finish a long day of working through assignments.

Updating your own content needs to be a priority to increase your client list. And you probably know that marketing works and will be beneficial for your business. But you might not realize HOW beneficial it is. The companies hiring you to write content are seeing significant results from your efforts. Shouldn't your own business get the same stellar ROI?

Why copywriters don't update content often

Why copywriters don't update content often

If you're getting work through platforms or existing private clients, updating your own content might not seem to be a priority. If you're finding clients solely through a writing site or several writing sites, you might be satisfied with the amount of work you have.

If you haven't been using any inbound methods to attract clients, it might not seem important. Most writers are always looking for ways to increase their pay rate and client list.

For copywriters, updated content, a professional website, and fresh samples are part of your marketing investment. This is especially true if you specialize in web content, blog writing, marketing, or content strategy. Your website is a way to showcase your writing and ability.

How freelance writers can give their profile a content tune-up


Your website is only one property. Anywhere you exist online should be updated, as well. What a lot of writers don't realize is that you can also use SEO keywords to promote yourself on most platforms.

Writing Platforms:

If you have an account on any writing platform, your profile should be updated regularly. This means updating the industries you specialize in and the types of writing that you do. You can add SEO keywords to your profile because many clients will search by those terms.

On most platforms, your profile is a limited word count. Use the space creatively and wisely.

Social Media Platforms:

Add SEO keywords and contact info on any social media platforms. If you blog regularly or have a website, include the link. If you use your Medium blog to attract clients, make sure you include it. If your main place to market to clients is LinkedIn, make sure you link to it with a CTA to connect.

Your Portfolio:

Update your portfolio regularly. Put it on your calendar so that you can update it at regular intervals.

What if you never publish under your own name?

A lot of writers work for clients under an NDA or in a ghostwriting capacity. In these cases, you always want to ask for written permission before using client work as samples. You can also create original samples for your resume and submit pieces to publications to increase your portfolio.

The importance of updating your website

The importance of updating your website

If you have a website, you need to commit to updating your content regularly. It's not only the quality of the writing that a client will look at. Even if your writing style is perfect, it doesn't look fantastic to see a website with a terrible DA and no updated content, especially if you're a marketing expert.

The lack of content probably has nothing to do with your knowledge of marketing. You're just prioritizing your clients' content over your own, which many writers do. You're also prioritizing the writing that pays over the marketing work that you're essentially paying for with your time.

A poorly run website acts almost like a negative review. Some clients look at the quality of the content, but a lot of clients will notice the lack of updates. If you're using a website to promote your business, the best practice is to commit to that website.

The other aspect of having a website is that it gives you a place to use your expertise. Your blog acts as a marketing platform. But you can (and should) also monetize your property. Many writers use their blog space to market digital products, like books or tutorials. You can also add affiliate links to products you'd recommend.

Prioritize your business marketing online

Prioritize your business marketing online

Freelance writers are in a better position than most small business owners. You already are a writer. You can create great content on your own. You can also outsource content for your blogs and online property. This can be a great way to keep the content fresh while prioritizing the paying assignments that keep you so busy.

If you're looking to add writers to your roster to keep your content fresh, consider finding freelance writers on Scripted for a post here and there or for regular assignments.

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